Washington Program in Pictures

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Justice Antonin Scalia meets with the Fall 2010 Group

Standing in the Supreme Court courtyard with Justice Scalia after our discussion

November 18-Students on the CMC-Washington Semester program this fall were lucky enough to join Justice Scalia in the Supreme Court for a candid discussion. The class prepared themselves with information on Justice Scalia's past opinions and strong ideas. With this preparation, students were ask questions that warranted answers straight from the source. No where else but DC would students have such a special opportunity.

Known for his frank answers and strong will Justice Scalia did not hold back on answering questions about campaign finance reform, the affect of the justices on national issues, and many other topics. Students came well prepared with questions that, while not softball questions, did not probe too far into specific cases so the Justice was able answer freely. Overall the class had a rewarding experience with Justice Scalia, he even permitted a photo for posterity.

Monticello: A lesson in penmanship

CMCers join in on the fun (and surprising difficulty)
of writing with a quill.
Above, Michelle Brody practices her penmanship

Andres Angel shares his workspace with young writers

L to R: Sonia Aggarwal, Elena Davert, and Michelle Brody
amuse themselves with the age-old practice of using
inkwells for writing with feather quills.

Monticello | Home of Thomas Jefferson

After getting their fill of Charlottesville, the Washington Semester students went off to Monticello, the prized estate of Thomas Jefferson. The site is now a well established historical center with tours of the home, grounds, and garden available for visitors. Though no pictures are allowed inside the home—to preserve the artifacts—the photos included show CMCers enjoying the home.

Old Fashioned Field Trip

Welcome to the Academical Villiage of the University of Virginia!

CMC Washington Semester students took an old-fashioned field trip to the historic Charlottesville, Virginia—home to the University of Virgina, founded by Thomas Jefferson. Pictured here we have the Fall 2010 group in front of the well-know rotunda, a building carefully planned by Thomas Jefferson.

A tour given by a UVA student commenced the field trip. There is a very rich history behind the University, much of which is covered by the tour. Interim Director, Professor Courser, a UVA graduate school alum, was able to supplement much of the tour from the knowledge he gained while attending.

White House Garden Tour

The White House Garden tour is a biannual event held by the White House. Open to the public, it can be a long wait for those interested in the unique chance to browse the White House grounds (and the new Kitchen Garden!) Luckily, this semester, CMC-DC Student, Mark Munro is interning at the White House and during the tour, he helped other CMCers whiz through long lines.
(Pictured From L to R: April Weathers, Elena Davert, Whitney Dawson, Mark Munro, Emily Lopez, Emily Norhoff all CMC '12)

The White House internship is tough but rewarding internship. And lucky for DC Semester students those rewards sometimes get spread around. On top of the White House Garden Tour fast pass, Washington Semester students will be treated to an East wing tour from Mark at the end of the semester.

Friday, October 1, 2010

The Capitol Shot

20 smiling students with Professor Courser posing for the iconic DC program shot after a Capitol tour by CMC and DC program Alum Tyler White.

The Grill

Halibut, courtesy of the night's grill master, Heath, and cous cous and sweet and spicy veggies provided by Marissa made up the food for our first cooking night.

Halibut may be a bit advanced for a novice cook, but the internet provides fantastic resources for beginners. The veggies and cous cous are two go-to items that every student living on their own should know about. Cous cous has a fast cooking time and veggies will soak up some great flavors, like Marissa's addition of red chili sauce and ginger.

Let the feast commence...

The Fall 2010 group has been great about getting together to break bread. This gathering was hosted by Dan Andrew, Michelle Brody, Marissa Gaulton, and Max Mullen. They provided the space and their (almost) neighbors, Caleb Davis, Heath Hyatt, Mark Munro, and Nick Wright.

Joined by April Weathers and Elena Davert, the night began some of the first large group gatherings for the Fall DC group. Since, we've pulled together several others, one even celebrating birthdays! Heath, Caleb, Kwendy Lau and Sonia Aggarwall shared birthdays in the same week...and yes...cake was involved. A good portion of our students have birthdays this fall, more pictures sharing those celebrations will follow.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Because everyone could use a little chocolate

Don't you wish you could tailor a chocolate bar to your specific tastes? Well Elena Davert (CMC '12-WorldWatch Institute) did just that.
Step 1: Buy chunk of chocolate from WholeFoods
Step 2: Melt in a double boiler...or one pan with low boiling water, one over the top for chocolate.
Step 3: Take from heat, add desired flavors, spread on cookie sheet to cool.

Flavors we tried: Coconut curry, Chile and Cinnamon, Ginger


DC Program Students and Their Food

The DC Program is unique in many ways, but one aspect, living on your own, can prove challenging. For some DC participants it may be their first time really cooking for themselves. Portions of this blog are going to share the food adventures...and mishaps...of our group. Throughout the semester photos and stories from each living group will be brought to you. Please watch for more photos of food, recipes, and the general hilarity of students standing on their own two feet for the first time.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Tour of POLITICO offices

CMC students Michelle Brody and Mark Munro at the entrance of POLITICO offices in Arlington, VA. Andy Barr, a CMC and Washington Program alumnus who covers national politics for POLITICO, gave the tour.

Supreme Court Library

From left to right: Michelle Brody, Marissa Gaulton, and Nick Wright.

Draining Threes on the Highest Court in the Land!

Supreme Court

CMC students walk up the front steps of the U.S. Supreme Court for an exclusive tour!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Welcome to DC!

Fall 2010 CMC Washington Program has officially begun. The program's orientation is this week, and so far the CMC students have met with all of the program faculty, been on a fabulous tour of the Supreme Court (thanks to the interim program director, Professor Zachary Courser), and had some wonderful meals together. The orientation has also included some valuable lessons on safety in DC led by Kenneth Barksdale, and a very informative panel on Professionalism in the Workplace led by CMC alumni Derek Pearce, Kaci Farrell, and Justin Murphy. More information and photos to follow!